Data & AI for Australian Small Business

Take on the big players in your industry by unscaling your operations with data and AI.

Experts in Data & AI

Prometheus AI was founded in 2020 to enable organisations to harness the power of their digital and data assets. Since then we’ve helped a range of businesses capitalise on the opportunities that AI presents, from ASX 200 to Fortune 500, to fledgling startups looking to take on the world.

Now based in Perth, we focus on enabling Australia’s small businesses to do more with data and AI.

Why Data & AI?

Our Packages


✔︎ Data Warehouse

✔︎ Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets access

✔︎ Hourly data refresh

✔︎ 3 months of Premium Support


✔︎ Data Warehouse

✔︎ Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets access

✔︎ Hourly data refresh

✔︎ 3 months of Premium Support

✔︎ 5 Basic Dashboards or 2 Advanced Dashboards


✔︎ Data Warehouse

✔︎ Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets access

✔︎ Hourly data refresh

✔︎ 3 months of Premium Support

✔︎ 3 Automations or 1 Advanced AI

Looking for something more bespoke?

Examples of our capabilities include:

Pricing and Promotion Optimisation

Administration Automation

Inventory Optimisation

Demand Forecasting

Route Optimisation

Business Intelligence

Sales Optimisation

Demand Forecasting

Robot Process Automation

Featured Clients

Let’s have a conversation

Interested in learning more, but prefer to talk to a human?

Book a chat with us to learn more about embracing the power of data to propel your business forward.

Can’t find a good time?

Reach out using the contact form below and we will be in touch.